Sunday, July 3, 2011

the war on terror?

We Expose Terrorist in Nuclear Bomb Plot (Their Title)
News of the World (U.K.) ^ | April 13, 2003 | Mazher Mahmood
Posted on Sunday, April 13, 2003 10:25:42 PM by bamacsl
AN ARAB terrorist plotting to explode a "dirty" radioactive bomb in London is exposed today by the News of the World.
Evil Samir Yatim is poised to provide nuclear material which would bring death to the capital's streets.
Our investigators, posing as Muslim extremists, tracked down the 52-year-old arms dealer to his lair on Spain's Costa del Sol.
Yatim—who is known to MI5 and the FBI and classed as "highly dangerous"—said he could arrange for five kilos of Russian iridium-192 to be smuggled from Istanbul in Turkey, hidden in car batteries.


  1. they made the world terror,they are the eivl ,they see hill

  2. they made the world terror,they are the eivl ,they see hill

  3. its sham i have no word to say but iam sham the arab,islam,sunni,shia,,,the saudi world of islam the eivl of islam,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the home need islam not al/saudi islam, islam is not propty its to humanty.samiryatim the sunni,shia mother and father,the road to free islam is don to the kindom ,of al suid
